Nothing but a joke - Must Read

You people are funny. Really, and we’re the joke. A joke I don’t find even a fraction of a percent funny. Yes, we all are nothing but a big bad sickening JOKE.
Alright, I don’t make sense right now but ask those 4 girls who are raped in Delhi everyday- and these are just the cases that are filed who knows how many more are there! Ask these ladies if they find this joke that are being played on us funny.

Yeah, we all were furious about the Nirbhaya thing but what about now? What about the 8 year old or the 19 year old- what about all the girls who can’t even get out of their homes to go on a goddamn evening walk? It’s sick mahn. This society- this “human” population of Delhi NCR is playing nothing but a big joke on us.
Hello to the “moral policers” who tend to parade around in parks and on Valentine’s day- can you please tell me what are the morals in rape, harassment or groping or abduction that you don’t seem to mind that; but hey, you mind all those couples who voluntarily want to be together and get some peace. Can you please tell me the foundation of your moral system ‘cause I don’t seem to get it or even comply with it?

You know, what’s wrong with this society? The way people go all hawww over sex and relationships. There, I said it – sex. I’ll say it again sex, sex, sex and sex. What you’re going to moral police me now and send me to jail? We are nothing but a bunch of pretentious people- really. Everybody, in this context is a hypocrite. Really, I mean you all go watch “Jism” “Murder” or films like that and yeah, you actually flock in-in numbers and enjoy it. Yet, if someone says it you go all haw. WHADDAFUQ?!
Can’t you just agree that ours is a sexually driven society as being hypocrites about it is no way a help. Yeah I said it right there again. And if you don’t agree with me, then just look at the population of India or just the number of rape, assault, harassment, teasing and groping cases.

Yes, I am angry. VERY ANGRY. I don’t feel safe. None of us do. I am writing this out of anger but don’t tell me it’s not true. Moral Police, where did your morals go now? I may be from the younger generation but sure as hell don’t see any morality or integrity in all this. I don’t…
You know, I don’t want to live in fear- buy a pepper spray, always have my parents and myself in fear. I don’t and I bet nobody else does. People, really some respect, please! This is not human this is “MONSTOROUS”! This is not justifiable – the fear that lurks within us. I mean hostel gates are closed girls are in lock-downs – is this all that our life is? Tell me- how the hell is this even fair? You say we've come a long way; the dark ages are far behind. But, I’m starting to doubt that. Are women really empowered? Is a girl child really safe? Yeah, even an 8 year old is not safe.

COME ON! This just makes me lose all faith in humanity. “Respect” comes a long way. We don’t need soldiers defending borders; we need them defending our ladies.
You want to change the world? Start by respecting a girl, not looking at her as if she’s from another planet and treat her like a human- an equal human.
I have said a lot yet I don’t even know what to say and this just doesn’t seem enough. This is sad – absolutely. Changes start with you, and believe me it’s true. What we need is a mental revolution.

It’s really on you- do you want your friends, mother, sister, girlfriend to be nothing but just a joke...
It’s a wakeup call. Good morning.

P.S. The first thing my mom said to me when I woke up was – A girl raped in Shipra mall, see the paper. You sick monsters.
P.P.S. This is not meant to offend anyone, it's a personal statement. 


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