Too late to say I hate you? HB!

So on this normal day in 1996 the angels looked down to the earth, puzzled asking "Dafuq, how the hell did that thing pass the quality control test?"

And that thing was *drumrolls please* my so called Grandpa "Vedant Choudhary" aka "Vadilal/Vedulal" or whatever the shit I wanna call him at the moment! Ha-ha!

So well I was unfortunate enough to be his bench-partner like FOREVER. Really. We would draw a LOC on our desks and fight our way to stupid glories if anyone ever overstepped. Yeah we've done that. But throughout those years..specially in 9th when the whole concept of bench-partners poofed away- I made a real time friend.

Someone who told me I could when I said there was no way I'm gonna win the swimming event [and I did], the one who believed in me silently from farr faaaar away and really came through for me. I'm glad to have had you in my life you potty face.
You taught me all the guitar chords in a period, found hope in my disastrous singing and well you always heard me signing to myself throughout the day and fought with my friend in sleepy Hindi classes.
But for all that you've done, I haven't done much in return.

So this, this is my way of acknowledging every time that you came through for me, told me that I could when I thought I couldn't which was all the time [haha!],and not to forget getting me a 9 in SST and helping me with my math in Xth.
Your snickers are due- I know. I'm a miser of a boss you see. Plus Eve covered that and so did my sister's candies, pretty much!

Well. Our friendship has been a turbulent not to forget.  And well stuff hasn't been all perfect. But la-da who cares. That's all in the past.
The thing is..I am glad. I am super happy of all that you've made of yourself in these years. Been lucky to get such an awesome girlfriend who I love btw! Became the President of Western Music and well just stayed as annoying as you were in 5th class drawing LOCs.
I am happy and excited for all that you'll be and are. It's not just any other day today. It's like a new year to you minus the booze cause you don't drink [stay like this],it's a new 365 day route where you're going to travel to uncharted places. This is a new chapter in the book of your life. With the 15/16 others in the past and a lot lot more to come in the future.
You're going to see highs and lows you never imagined, do things you didn't think you would, and mess up in ways you couldn't imagine.
But to know that you have people, some people well few people there for you to go craz-ay with you on this roller coaster should be a satisfaction enough that even though your life revolutionizes, there will always be someone maybe in the last car or under the handles too scared to vomit. But well there will always be someone. And the thing is to enjoy this joyride -crazy roller coaster with all that it is with that baccho wala ghatia stoopid smile of yours.

Also, Not cool to be soul mate of your girlfriend's fiancee. You're forever alone and nobody loves you. I love your girlfriend and she loves me. Now don't cry like a baby that you are okay? :P

Stay pretty and just get prettier.
You go girl!

Bhaaa Bhaa black sheep have you any wool? :P

P.S. I stuck on the call for so long because of EVE.
P.P.S. On a serious note, jokes apart- I thought you'd turn gay so woohoo EVE :P
P.P.P.S. Okay very serious this time - Happy Birthday Vedant :)

[Listen up]


  1. Thankyou soo much Bhamini, and btw soulmate to gf not her fiance :P
    It really made me feel special , thankyou for everything :)
    Looking forward to our friendship, growing strong each and every day :D


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