
In this "fast paced life" where we're always trying to not fall back in this chase, in this modern advanced world - we forget some things - who really matters, what's actually important and yeah, to just breathe. 
We barely have time for ourselves. We are caught up, we're busy. We've got work, competition, we've to prove ourselves, we've to be successful, we've to earn money- lots and more, we've to do what's "right", we have to be ourselves and align with the rules of the society [hah!]. There's so much to do- and well yeah we can't go on without doing them. There are schedules, people, expectations from others and us.
And so, we just forget to slow down once in a while and just breathe. Breathe and see the beauty in all those little things that we're surrounded with, breathe and feel the fresh [polluted] air of the outdoors [unless you live in the countryside of course], breathe and remember why you're here wherever you are, breathe and just well breathe. 
I hear so many people say how sick and tired they are of their monotonous schedules, I do too- and still giving 5 minutes to ourselves seem impossible, 5minutes of doing something we love seems impossible, 5 minutes away from the technology, the stress, the everything to just close our eyes and breathe. Strangely seems impossible.


Being able to give yourself time that way is a luxury. How do I know? In this summer being away from my phone and whatsapp and facebook - I found solace, and hey the world did not end! 
Sitting out on some random person's scooty with the slight summer breeze looking at the full moon, so peaceful - it's beautiful. It feels great and the feeling continues until of course the sister comes out.
Anyway coming back- these little moments these 5 minutes that one long breath works magic. Even if a temporary relief, the feeling becomes a personal refuge. 
So yeah, in all your running, your exercising, your crazy just don't forget to slow down, close your eyes, unwind and just..



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