Close your eyes and make a wish.

So well I don't know what to call this- moments of desperation or childlike innocence that I close my eyes at sharp 11:11 [sometimes] and make a wish, or you know blow a fallen eyelash hoping that these guarded wishes see the light of reality in this lifetime [hopefully]!
Yeah, I know they don't work and it is kind of silly. I mean if they did actually work, imagine the chaos the whole world would be in [See: Be careful what you wish for]! Especially if mine did come true I'd be transported to this fantasy land of magic, tragic, wonders and amazement- the land in my head I'd like to call home. But yeah like a "Sane" person I know I won't be riding a phoenix [or a dragon for that matter] anytime soon..
Then again sometimes there's this comfort in just believing or well just being silly. We know nothing come out of it but still there's this innocence sort of something to it that is so beautiful.
I guess wishing "upon a star" [etc] is just us trying to believe and having hope that yes, stuff will turn out for the best.
It's silly, yes but I think silly is fun- it's good. And it won't hurt anybody to sometimes just be silly and just believe...
...believe that a star or an eyelash or a dandelion or 11:11 will make our wishes come true.
SO sometime, let's just close our eyes and make a wish
And believe.



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