Summer Bandits??

As the the mercury rises and the suns starts coming out more than we'd like, the scarfs and the sunglasses come out and cover them girls up from head to toe..and you know that HEY! SUMMER"S HERE!
I personally find it funny, the face and the hairs perfectly wrapped under a scarf and the slight opening for the eyes covered with the sunglasses, and if you're one of those people who can rock this look and find me staring at you completely amused then please don't blame me :P
I say, I understand the need being a girl of course, of trying to protect your skin and be ever glowing and stuff ..BUTTT!!! Looking like a bandit for that..I think goes a bit overboard!

So girls why not just get a good sunscreen and protection lotion, plaster it on get some cool shades and go out in the sun with more confidence and frolic then ever ;) After all whats the funn in hiding uh?? Let the wind play with your serum protected hairs and let the sun not bring you down!
It's one life why waste it hiding behind scarves?


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