Featuring - Sanket Aggarwal !

What are you like an owl something? Coming online in the midst of darkness. When everything's silent, when little kids are tugged inside their tiny beds, when grown ups are taking their break from the day..rises a creature so out of the world that you can't bear to see it in broad daylight 
That creature is Sanket.

YES! I met him during Commblitz'12 a very weird meeting in fact - he was charging his phone and we were all talking shit around him and well he said I looked like a 10th grader [when I'm in 12th].. I guess that's why I remember him well -_-"  Anyway..so here goes his poem [It's good! :D]

Times come when people are broke
Their minds dont work, their systems choke. 
What you can do to forget it for a while
Is to think of some happy times and give a smile. 
Even the strongest of winds cant destroy a smile
Because its a millions of feelings, a huge stockpile. 
Wear it for a change and then face the tough
Any barrier will become weak, be it hard or rough
For any strong challenge becomes fragile
If you have that Hint of a smile. 
People may come people may go
But friends stay forever 
Friends are special, people are general
Dont keep them at a place together.
For friends are the ones who bring for a while
In sad times, a sweet smile. 
It isnt weird how people behave
They are selfish, they dont care
Even when you are in the worst of times
They have an excuse to not be there. 
Hold me. Hold me tight
Because we got to walk a long mile
But I promise whatever it takes
I will never let fade off
That Smile...

P.S. I do not own this poem whatsoever. All the rights and copyrights belong to Sanket! 


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