The thing is...

The thing is... SHIT HAPPENS. 
Things don't go the way we planned, we don't always get what we deserve, people leave, hearts break, friends betray but well - SHIT HAPPENS.

We make mistakes, do shit, face stuff - it all is for a reason. A reason, we do not get abhi' a reason we may realize years later "why did that happen? " "how did it help me anyway?"; yes, the reason is greater than us so, we do not always see it right away. But well, sometimes, the reason just is that we were plain stupid and made a mistake. SO yes, it ALL HAPPENS FOR A REASON.

The thing is... PEOPLE DO GO. 
It's right when it's said that nothing lasts forever 'cause well it rarely does! Even relationships be it friends, girlfriends etc. come with an expiry date. Sometime people don't leave physically but they distance themselves or they change, but they do go. SO, it's just best to suck it up and accept it. Just like they didn't last forever - the pain won't. It's a harsh reality but friends do betray, families do hurt and yeah well PEOPLE DO GO.

I'll quote Ralph Waldo Emerson here, "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” The sooner it's realized, the better. So yeah so what if he is just a clerk, driver or a shopkeeper, it doesn't mean he isn't successful. MONEY DOES'NT GUARANTEE SUCCESS, but happiness does.

The thing is... WE FAIL. 
Be it in exams or tests of life, we fail, it's as simple as that. Sometimes we fall down and fall down bad. But the thing is to not let it get the best of you and instead make it an instrument that only makes you stronger. Failures don't define you, but how you cope with them do. SO it's okay, WE FAIL.

The thing is...
There are so many "thing is..'s" to list. There are so many things we need to realize as humans. Our small and big experiences in life lead to these realizations, these lessons. The thing here, is to hold on to them - they make us who we are; the thing is to not let anybody get the best of us; the thing is to make sure that our realizations and well WE are guided along the right way..
'Cause you know what, at the end of the day YOU ARE YOUR ONLY BEST FRIEND FOREVER and well if that BFF is screwed up then you can only imagine what'll your state be!

So, keep your head up, stand tall
and be the best you among all! :)



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